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Programs are serving veterans. Updates

V for Victory Organization - EVERYDAY is Veterans Day!!!


Good day brothers & sisters! Hope you are doing well this Friday, and the week has been a productive one for you.

Here are the current updates for you.


Things are starting to happen as the V for Victory Programs are being utilized!

Program 1 Transition Home is taking shape now. The support organizations and V are being synced up more each day. Never recreate the wheel, only improve it. And that is what V for Victory is doing by collaborating with established organizations like There are other organizations that V collaborates and we will show you how very soon.

Program 2 Buddie Up has already answered several calls from veterans needing to talk. Over this past week, four individuals have been served. I say served but in reality they were listened to and that seems to help so much as they don't have anyone else to talk with. Even with all the technology advancements, these individuals feel isolated from the world. V Officer has been working to build a way to connect ones in need with others to answer so please email us if you want to be considered for the list of volunteers. We are working together to get this in place to answer the needs.

Program 3 Healing Without Opioids, V has given out almost thirty bottles. These have been provided to individuals in attempt to help them. Some of the recipients were using opioids and others were dealing with stress management, anxiety, depression, ptsd, and physical pain. We will do our best to keep you up to date on how they help these individuals as a few recipients are open to sharing while others are private, which we are fine with. As long as the recipients know WE are here to help them, that is really what matters. More bottles and a countertop display will be sent out to one of the organizations V for Victory supports first of next week. The organization is Veterans Miracle Center ( and the director Barry is excited about offering it to the veterans who come in and shop. The cool thing about the VMC model Barry has built as the veterans come into a traditional store, get the items they need, and leave without paying a thing. All items at the store are free to veterans. V is honored to support this organization and others.

As we mentioned last week, we have begun expanding the website to capture more resources and content for those who visit. The Programs page has been expanded to have individual pages dedicated to each Program. This will allow us to provide resources and information specific to each Program. For example, we have developed Campaigns for each Program, and the Program page is where that Campaign details will be provided soon. Right now the Program pages are mirrors of the base Program page. Stay tuned for more information to be posted next week and into the future. Our goal is to have valuable resources and information available as easy as possible. There will be living documents that provide more details held offline to provide when engaged by individual or organization.


Once we send out the bottles next week we will need to get more inventory to provide. Thank you to 4E and Jon for sponsoring "The First 100" as we know they have helped those who received. Please consider a DONATION to help us obtain more bottles to continue giving those who need as it is affective.

V is needing individuals, businesses, corporations, and organizations to Sponsor the Organization, Programs, or specific needs such as: website, emails, merchandise, cards, computer, or marketing materials. When you make your donation you can add a note to specify what you want to Sponsor fyi, simply write the note within the donation process. You will see if easily once you click DONATE. Contact us with your interest and know for every $100 donated V for Victory Organization is able to help five veterans.


V for Victory needs you to share what V is doing with as many people as you can so they will know what V is doing and hopefully get involved. We like to say we are Wounded Warrior Project before WWP became known. So, it is up to us to share this as so many people are impacted by the veteran community.

Thank you to all the volunteers and supporters as we are honored that you are being part of our Team and growing Community.

Stay tuned. V is just getting started!

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